Past Heart of Power workshops.
The Heart of Power: Creating Self-care: Body, Mind, Spirit
Information overload and the myriad decisions that besiege us in this high-tech, low-touch culture create deep distress in our physiology and emotions that impact us mentally and spiritually. Kathy’s new telecourse, “Creating Self-care: Body, Mind and Spirit” transforms traditional self-care modalities to empower you to create life-long self-care habits that target your exact and very individual whole health needs.
A continuation of the Heart of Power creation series, in this course you will shine your own heart energy upon yourself to create your natural ideal in physical, emotional and mental health as well as establish a steadier spiritual practice to support your self-care creations. Different constitutions need different self-care strategies. This course will let you discover what works best for you—and help you clear the barriers that prevent you from loving yourself fully.
Because this is a teleconference course, you can conveniently access it wherever you are. After each session, Kathy sends you a link to a recording so you can listen again as often as you like throughout the duration of the course. And, if you miss a session, you won’t fall behind.Within each of us lies the source of all creation. You can access this spark through your own imagination. Everything that has been manifested, whether good, bad, right or wrong, follows this universal principle. This course specifically will teach you how to recognize and use this spark to create your ideal physical, mental and spiritual states.
"Creating Self-care" brings together the creation process in a way that benefits everyone, whether you have taken Heart of Power creation classes previously or you are seeking your first experience of creating your life differently.
Because each course is individual onto itself, no prerequisites are required. Like all courses in the Heart of Power series, The Heart of Flow is based on the premise that each individual creates his or her own reality. By learning how to understand and work with the creation process, you begin to live the life you truly desire.
The Heart of Power: The Art of Using Imagination to Create Your Reality
Have you ever started something and followed it through to completion? Did you ever wonder how this journey actually began? Whenever you've followed through with something, or manifested anything, you've first created it in your imagination. Within each and every one of us lies this source of all creation. Everything that has manifested (good, bad, right or wrong) has come from this simple principle. Unfortunately, one does not always recognize this.
Many of us have been taught that the way to change something lies outside of ourselves. This could not be further from the truth. Due to our belief in this programming, our world continues to present itself to us in this way. How do we change this? Only by a change of consciousness, by changing our concept of ourselves, can we manifest higher concepts. Although it has many names, consciousness is the one and only reality. We must turn to consciousness in order to create or change something. The Heart of Power courses are about recognizing and using this principle to create our reality. Scroll down for information on each course.
Many of us have been taught that the way to change something lies outside of ourselves. This could not be further from the truth. Due to our belief in this programming, our world continues to present itself to us in this way. How do we change this? Only by a change of consciousness, by changing our concept of ourselves, can we manifest higher concepts. Although it has many names, consciousness is the one and only reality. We must turn to consciousness in order to create or change something. The Heart of Power courses are about recognizing and using this principle to create our reality. Scroll down for information on each course.
Empowerment:Taking Action to Create Your Life
This class is not currently on the schedule.
We are at a critical point in consciousness. However, it is not a time to nurture despair. Rather, it is time to heed the wake-up call, stand and act in love and for peace. Commenting on social media and complaining to close friends is not enough. We can look to the water protectors at Standing Rock and their commitment to non-violence as our example.
This class will support you as you create and then stay with your intention – for yourself and our world. Learn to walk with your intention, step by step, and follow through with clarity as opportunities arise.
Because this is a teleconference course, you can conveniently access it wherever you are. After each session, Kathy sends you a link to a recording so you can listen again as often as you like throughout the duration of the course. And, if you miss a session, you won’t fall behind.
The Four Pillars of Creation
This class is not currently on the schedule.
Within each of us lies the source of all creation. You can access this spark through your own imagination. Everything that has been manifested, whether good, bad, right or wrong, follows this universal principle. The Four Pillars of Creation will show you how to recognize and use this spark to create your life, your reality – and to help create the change that is needed in the world. During the course, you will explore four different aspects of mind that help to define, anchor and focus your attention in such a way that the process becomes easy and doable and you will see results. These four powerful tools will help you manifest what you consider to be your most difficult creations.
The Four Pillars of Creation brings together the creation process in such a way that all students will benefit, whether you have taken Heart of Power creation classes previously or you are seeking your first experience of creating your life differently.
This class is not currently on the schedule.
We are at a critical point in consciousness. However, it is not a time to nurture despair. Rather, it is time to heed the wake-up call, stand and act in love and for peace. Commenting on social media and complaining to close friends is not enough. We can look to the water protectors at Standing Rock and their commitment to non-violence as our example.
This class will support you as you create and then stay with your intention – for yourself and our world. Learn to walk with your intention, step by step, and follow through with clarity as opportunities arise.
Because this is a teleconference course, you can conveniently access it wherever you are. After each session, Kathy sends you a link to a recording so you can listen again as often as you like throughout the duration of the course. And, if you miss a session, you won’t fall behind.
The Four Pillars of Creation
This class is not currently on the schedule.
Within each of us lies the source of all creation. You can access this spark through your own imagination. Everything that has been manifested, whether good, bad, right or wrong, follows this universal principle. The Four Pillars of Creation will show you how to recognize and use this spark to create your life, your reality – and to help create the change that is needed in the world. During the course, you will explore four different aspects of mind that help to define, anchor and focus your attention in such a way that the process becomes easy and doable and you will see results. These four powerful tools will help you manifest what you consider to be your most difficult creations.
The Four Pillars of Creation brings together the creation process in such a way that all students will benefit, whether you have taken Heart of Power creation classes previously or you are seeking your first experience of creating your life differently.
Heart of Power: 1-day Introductory Workshop
Dates to be announced
No Prerequisite
Call: 616-635-6029 or email: [email protected]
Heart of Power I Dates TBA
For many of us, we have been taught that the way to change something lies outside of ourselves. Due to our belief in this programming our world continues to present itself to us in this way. But, this could not be further from the truth. How do we change this?
It is only by a change of consciousness, by actually changing your concept (idea about who you are or what's possible for you) that you can manifest higher concepts. It therefore is important to understand what consciousness is. Although it has many names, consciousness is the one and only reality. Nothing has existence except through the consciousness one has of it. With this understanding, it is to consciousness you must turn in order to create or change something.
The Heart of Power course is about recognizing and using this principle to create your reality.
Through the processes in this course one will deepen their understanding that difference does not exist within a variety of substance but in variety of arrangement of the same cause - substance, your consciousness. There is truly only ONE principle at work here. Fortunately, it is not as complicated as it sounds.
Explore this exercise : In the morning, after waking, imagine you have a nice, warm cup of coffee (or tea.) Imagine how it tastes, smells, looks, and makes you feel as you drink it. Then, make and drink a cup of coffee. Taste, feel, and observe it. Do you see where this journey began? And, yes, it is that simple. I look forward to seeing you and sharing this remarkable process with you.
Once a week for 3 months via teleconference. Cost: $600.00 (payment plans available). You can take this teleconferenced class from the comfort of your own home or office, wherever you are!
Heart of Power II Dates to be announced
A continuation of what students learned in Heart of Power I, Heart of Power II provides the
additional pieces to complete the creation puzzle. Another way to look at it, this course
adds the completing spokes to the creation wheel, strengthening you as you conceive your hearts’ desires.
We will explore additional attitudes—those specific qualities that strengthen your
practice and assist you as you rest in consciousness, the source of all. And, we will work on
transcending the law of appearances with imagination. Break free from your patterned reality and create something incredibly different, alive and truly fulfilling!
"There is a fundamental truth that I wish for you to understand; to see that you are the creator of your reality, that you can do something about the circumstances of your life, and this is not something to be afraid of. The reason I have so much love for this course is because of the spark of recognition and joy that I see in students eyes when they understand that they are not powerless,they are free." -- Kathy Powell Reider
Once a week for 3 months via teleconference. Cost: $600.00 (payment plans available). You can take this teleconferenced class from the comfort of your own home or office, wherever you are!
Heart of Power III: Co-creation Dates to be announced
“When you use your imagination in a way that is beneficial to all and recognize that the only separation is that which you hold in your own mind, you begin life anew and revel in the joy of all creation.”
The imagination is the naturally Divine truth that is you, your God self, your true self. Whatever you focus your attention on becomes real. You are creating your reality (a separate God is not creating it). From the beginning, humanity has participated in all of creation; what was once free and open gradually became unnatural. We then moved from conscious creation to creation by default. When we wake up and understand our creative potential, we realize that our collective life experience is limitless.
In this course, we will begin by assisting and supporting each other in our individual creations. We’ll take a look at what we've been creating and see if that has been serving us as individuals, as a group, and as a world. We will then work with universal archetypes and discover how
they are affecting us in our own and mass consciousness. Next, after brainstorming and coming to agreement on specific group creations, we will use the tools from the first two courses along with new processes to take the creation process to a very different level—creating realities that support the planet, humanity and nature.
Once a week for 3 months via teleconference. Cost: $600.00 (payment plans available). You can take this teleconferenced class from the comfort of your own home or office, wherever you are!
"I am an immortal being conceiving myself as human and forming worlds in the likeness and image of my concept of myself.”
Dates to be announced
No Prerequisite
Call: 616-635-6029 or email: [email protected]
Heart of Power I Dates TBA
For many of us, we have been taught that the way to change something lies outside of ourselves. Due to our belief in this programming our world continues to present itself to us in this way. But, this could not be further from the truth. How do we change this?
It is only by a change of consciousness, by actually changing your concept (idea about who you are or what's possible for you) that you can manifest higher concepts. It therefore is important to understand what consciousness is. Although it has many names, consciousness is the one and only reality. Nothing has existence except through the consciousness one has of it. With this understanding, it is to consciousness you must turn in order to create or change something.
The Heart of Power course is about recognizing and using this principle to create your reality.
Through the processes in this course one will deepen their understanding that difference does not exist within a variety of substance but in variety of arrangement of the same cause - substance, your consciousness. There is truly only ONE principle at work here. Fortunately, it is not as complicated as it sounds.
Explore this exercise : In the morning, after waking, imagine you have a nice, warm cup of coffee (or tea.) Imagine how it tastes, smells, looks, and makes you feel as you drink it. Then, make and drink a cup of coffee. Taste, feel, and observe it. Do you see where this journey began? And, yes, it is that simple. I look forward to seeing you and sharing this remarkable process with you.
Once a week for 3 months via teleconference. Cost: $600.00 (payment plans available). You can take this teleconferenced class from the comfort of your own home or office, wherever you are!
Heart of Power II Dates to be announced
A continuation of what students learned in Heart of Power I, Heart of Power II provides the
additional pieces to complete the creation puzzle. Another way to look at it, this course
adds the completing spokes to the creation wheel, strengthening you as you conceive your hearts’ desires.
We will explore additional attitudes—those specific qualities that strengthen your
practice and assist you as you rest in consciousness, the source of all. And, we will work on
transcending the law of appearances with imagination. Break free from your patterned reality and create something incredibly different, alive and truly fulfilling!
"There is a fundamental truth that I wish for you to understand; to see that you are the creator of your reality, that you can do something about the circumstances of your life, and this is not something to be afraid of. The reason I have so much love for this course is because of the spark of recognition and joy that I see in students eyes when they understand that they are not powerless,they are free." -- Kathy Powell Reider
Once a week for 3 months via teleconference. Cost: $600.00 (payment plans available). You can take this teleconferenced class from the comfort of your own home or office, wherever you are!
Heart of Power III: Co-creation Dates to be announced
“When you use your imagination in a way that is beneficial to all and recognize that the only separation is that which you hold in your own mind, you begin life anew and revel in the joy of all creation.”
The imagination is the naturally Divine truth that is you, your God self, your true self. Whatever you focus your attention on becomes real. You are creating your reality (a separate God is not creating it). From the beginning, humanity has participated in all of creation; what was once free and open gradually became unnatural. We then moved from conscious creation to creation by default. When we wake up and understand our creative potential, we realize that our collective life experience is limitless.
In this course, we will begin by assisting and supporting each other in our individual creations. We’ll take a look at what we've been creating and see if that has been serving us as individuals, as a group, and as a world. We will then work with universal archetypes and discover how
they are affecting us in our own and mass consciousness. Next, after brainstorming and coming to agreement on specific group creations, we will use the tools from the first two courses along with new processes to take the creation process to a very different level—creating realities that support the planet, humanity and nature.
Once a week for 3 months via teleconference. Cost: $600.00 (payment plans available). You can take this teleconferenced class from the comfort of your own home or office, wherever you are!
"I am an immortal being conceiving myself as human and forming worlds in the likeness and image of my concept of myself.”